Romanian Association for Occupational Health and Safety – ARSSM gathers professionals in the field of occupational health and safety in order to exchange information and best practices.
Since 2005, the year when ARSSM was founded, has developed nationwide and through all the activities carried on in the field of occupational health and safety, demonstrates the qualities of a reliable, loyal and potential partner both for governmental factors and social partners – employees and employers.
In Romania are registered 1 fatal accident and 3 occupational diseases every day. It is estimated that 70% of the work-related accidents and occupational diseases have as main cause an improper attitude towards occupational health and safety.
We think that when it comes to health and safety, only advice from qualified, experienced and skilled professionals will do. That’s why one of our main roles is to maintain high professional standards through all the trainings and workshops we deliver.
We promote excellence in occupational health and safety through professional guidelines, training, events, expert knowledge, services and support to enable our members to develop dynamic health and safety systems.
What do we do?
Through all the events that we organize as conferences, workshops, seminars we intend to raise awareness among employers, employees and the public to prevent work accidents and occupational diseases and decrease the number of victims.
ARSSM has a close collaboration with others national and European bodies in the field of occupational health and safety and seeks the certification and recognition of OSH professionals competencies and qualifications at European level.